
What are the Uses of the AI Tool ChatGPT?

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Have you checked out the latest TikTok videos yet? There is a trend going on about this new artificial intelligence tool called ChatGPT, and it’s drawing a lot of attention from everyone. Content creators such as bloggers and vloggers are talking about everything it can do. Some internet users think it may even replace Google Assistant. 

Are you interested? Read on and learn more about this AI-powered virtual assistant.

What is the AI Tool ChatGPT?

What are the Uses of the AI Tool ChatGPT? Softlist.io

ChatGPT is the product of the AI research company OpenAI. It’s a big language model and a variant of Generative Pretrained Transformer 3 or GPT-3. This AI assistant is designed to generate human-like responses to text in various formats.

It is most suitable for conversational language as it can respond to follow-up questions, reject inappropriate requests, and admit mistakes. 

This virtual assistant does not have voice command or does it use speech recognition technology. It’s not among the voice assistants you can use with voice input. You first have to convert voice commands into text using voice recognition technology. 

Natural Language Processing Tasks You Can Use ChatGPT for

What are the Uses of the AI Tool ChatGPT? Softlist.io

We have come to the more exciting part. What are the uses of AI-powered virtual assistant ChatGPT? 

Let’s see what natural language processing tasks you can use this AI-powered app for. 

Content creation

Content creation is one of the top things you can use ChatGPT for. It’s a virtual assistant that acts as a writing assistant because it can generate human-like text necessary to help writers. Use ChatGPT to brainstorm topics and ideas and generate an outline for your article.