
NordPass Business Password Manager: Pricing Details

NordPass Business Password Manager: Pricing Details
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NordPass Business helps businesses of all kinds keep their passwords safe. Knowing how much it costs and what features it has is important for making a good choice. This article will explain NordPass Business’s cost, its benefits, and how it can help your business be safer and more productive.

We’ll talk about what NordPass Business offers, how it can help your business stay safe, and how much it costs below. Are you ready to find out more? Let’s get into the specifics of how NordPass Business can help your business handle passwords better.

Key Takeaways

  • Robust Security: NordPass offers advanced encryption and a zero-knowledge architecture, ensuring only users can access their data.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Features like autosave, autofill, and unlimited password storage streamline password management, making it easier for businesses to manage credentials securely.
  • User-Friendly: NordPass provides an intuitive interface and cross-platform compatibility, making it accessible and easy to use for all team members.
  • AI-Powered Features: Powered by machine learning, NordPass includes a breach scanner and password health assessments to enhance security further.
  • Scalability: NordPass offers flexible pricing plans tailored to the needs of both small businesses and large enterprises.

Ready to secure your business with NordPass? Sign up for NordPass Business today.

Introduction to NordPass Business

Phone screen showing OTP password for secure payment and credit card

Source: Canva Pro

NordPass Business is a robust password manager designed to securely store and manage login credentials for companies of all sizes. This business password manager helps enterprises protect sensitive information and improve operational efficiency by offering features like password storage, autofill, and multi-factor authentication. 

NordPass business offers various pricing plans tailored to meet the needs of small businesses and large enterprises alike.

Key Features of NordPass Business

NordPass Business is packed with essential features that ensure the highest level of security and convenience for managing passwords:

  • Password Vault: Securely store all your passwords in one place. This makes managing and retrieving login credentials easy without creating a new password every time.
  • Autofill and Autosave: Automatically fill in online forms and save new login details effortlessly.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication: Add an extra layer of security by requiring additional verification beyond just a password.
  • Password Sharing: Securely share passwords with team members to enhance collaboration.
  • Password Generator: Create strong, unique passwords to enhance password health and security posture.
  • Password Health: Regularly review the strength and security of stored passwords.
  • Breach Scanner: Check the web for data breaches affecting your accounts.
  • Encryption: Utilize advanced encryption algorithms to protect sensitive data.