
Assessing Your Online Brand Performance: The Role of SEO Audits

Assessing Your Online Brand Performance: The Role of SEO Audits
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Whether your brand is entirely digital or your online presence is meant to inform potential customers of a brick-and-mortar storefront, it’s critical that you continually evaluate the performance of your brand in comparison to your competitors, just as you analyze sales numbers to identify areas for improvement.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of fine-tuning both your website and off-page content in order to rank higher on search engine results, boosting visibility and improving conversion rates. 

However, as Google algorithms change constantly and your competitors switch up their tactics, optimization is a constant process of evolution to better capture customers and remain on top of the pile. 

This requires an SEO audit, typically done by professional SEO companies, that identifies areas for improvement in website performance, keyword usage, and content quality. Whether you are rebranding or simply seeking to invigorate slumping sales, an SEO audit plays a key role in improving this essential factor of business success.

Assessing Your Online Brand Performance: The Role of SEO Audits Softlist.io

SEO Audits are Holistic

There are several factors in an SEO audit, which includes both on-page and off-page performance. For example, when using a website SEO audit service, your team will be looking at technical factors such as loading speed, indexing, and internal linking. 

Moving beyond the technical aspects, the SEO audit will also consider your on-page content, such as copy, videos, images, and user experience elements. 

For example, you may have great copy that is both informative and well-written, but it might lack the keywords that help Google recognize how your products are relevant to a given search. 

Even with the advent of Google’s AI tool Bard, keywords remain a vital element of a website, and they must be present throughout your content in order to match you to interested consumers.

Assessing Your Online Brand Performance: The Role of SEO Audits Softlist.io

An SEO Auditing Team Demystifies the Process

Even those who consider themselves relatively savvy with internet marketing may still have some blind spots when it comes to SEO, which is why having professional expertise is so helpful. Things you may believe are helpful, like excessive keyword terms – called keyword stuffing – can actually harm your rankings, as Google will see it as spammy.