
Frequently Asked Questions About AI Novel Writing Software

AI Novel Writing Software FAQs
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Lucky you, who find this blog! Indeed, ai novel writing software can be powerful ai tool that any writer should have. It has a primary goal to help a writer to overcome writer’s block instead of being a permanent replacement in novel writing.

In general, ai writing software helps organize the creative writing process and serves as an ai writing assistant to write grammatically correct sentences.

But the challenge is there is a variety of ai writing software in the market. It can be challenging to decide which is the best ai novel writing software that could give a top-notch experience.

Don’t stop by now! You’re on the right track because this article will guide you through the writing software options and help you decide which one can meet your specific needs in writing novels up to the editing process.

Can AI Writing Software Write a Novel?

Many believe that ai writing software can create novels. There are several motives for this. First, novels are the product of fiction writing, and artificial intelligence has proven to be very good at generating realistic dialogue.

Second, novels are tedious, and ai writing software can quickly generate large amounts of text. In some instances, science fiction novels could have complex plots with many twists and turns, but the best ai novel writing software is capable of handling complicated tasks.

Ai novel writing software can also write creative text for social media posts. There are also ai writing software options powered by machine-learning techniques trained to generate text with the integration of keywords and phrases needed to increase rank in search engines. This type of writing software is specifically for SEO content writing purposes.

So far, few ai novel writing software produce professionally written content that passes as novels written by human authors, but soon, ai systems could execute writing skills very well.

What is today’s Best AI Novel Writing Software?

Many AI writing tools are available online for writing ai novels, but what ai tools fit your budget and novel writing requirements?

AI novel writing software is designed to help writers save time and produce professionally written stories by providing a suite of novel writing software tools.

It includes artificial intelligence tools for idea generation, developing characters, plot, and dialogue, including ai writers that can write stories completely.

Here is the list of best novel writing software:



Jasper, formerly known as Jarvis, is significant for being a multi-function writing software that can also do incredible in novel writing.

Jasper AI has different templates, voices, tones, and ai writing tools. It can transform creative ideas into new blog posts, articles, social media posts, and fiction and non-fiction novels.

Key features

  • Although Jasper AI is not marketed as ai novel writing software, the Boss Mode pricing plan offers 50,000 words per month which are convenient for writing long-form documents.
  • The Jasper ai writing software editor makes it easier to compose sentence structure. Just give Jasper a synopsis of your writing, click the create button, and Jasper will generate at least three pieces of content selections. It’s not necessarily good content, but it can help you overcome writer’s block quickly.

Pricing plans

Starter mode: $29 per month (20,000 words)

Boss mode plan: $59 per month (50,000 words plus access to ai tools for generating long and short stories and the “command” template for making personalized lines for novels)


Jasper is a generative AI platform for business that enables your team to produce content targeted to your brand ten times more rapidly, no matter how you work digitally.


Another strong candidate for the best ai novel writing software. It is acquired by Conversion AI, the same company that manages and owns Jasper AI.

They offer writing tools similar to Jasper which uses GPT-03 ai technology, a natural language processing program that learns about the user’s text inputs.

Key features

  • Novelists don’t need all of the features that Jasper offers. Shortly AI will offer ad templates and an ai writing tool for blog posts, including unlimited words.
  • Shortly’s “Write for me” button helps correct grammar mistakes in a few seconds.

Pricing plans

Annual plan: $65 per month (2 months free trial period)

Monthly plan: starts at $79 per month


Get writing superpowers with an AI writing partner. At the click of a button, our AI can continue writing for you, help you get your thoughts on paper, and more.



Rytr is not just specialized for SEO content writing; it can also pass as a well-performing novel writing software with its ability to make the writing process easier.

Rytr is also designed to generate ideas, making it suitable as an ai writing software to help you write high-quality content.

Key features

  • It can help in creative writing by providing a wide selection of ideas, over 2,000.
  • The Rytr novel writing software tools have plagiarism checkers, and trackers for word and character counts.
  • Rytr’s form generator enables the integration of human writing by requesting the user’s input to start the writing process.

Pricing plans

Say hooray! Because Rytr ai writing software offers a free forever plan without pay!

Saver plan: $9 per month

Unlimited: $29 per month


Rytr is an AI writing assistant that helps you create high-quality content, in just a few seconds, at a fraction of the cost!



INK artificial intelligence uses natural language processing (NLP) technology to analyze and interpret the context of your writing. In this way, INK can suggest better sentence structure and apparent grammar mistakes.

Ink caters to bloggers with superior SEO AI writing software. But if you need help in rewriting paragraphs of a novel chapter, generating new title ideas, or improving creative writing skills, Ink is the best ai novel writing for you.

Key features

  • It also offers a selection of vocabulary to save time instead of searching for a thesaurus or hungry hippo.
  • Instead of spending hours looking for synonyms, idioms, or expressions, Ink does it.
  • You can also add INK as a Chrome extension to make writing easier.

Pricing plans

Inkforall.com pricing

Free plan: make your first ai-generated text with INK with a basic grammar checker.

Pro plan: $44 per month

Unlimited: $177 per month


Google and other platforms are cracking down hard on AI content. We can detect it. Finally, there’s an all-in-one AI Content Platform that puts safety first.



Headlime started as an ai writing tool that immediately creates a great headline for a blog post.

But now, it is not just a creative brainstorming partner. It evolved as an ai novel writing software that can generate high-quality content. People use Headlime to create ideas, article titles, and long articles like chapters in novels.

Key features

  • While this writing software tool is not aimed explicitly at writing novels, the article generator imitates other novel writing software. It uses the most updated machine-learning techniques to automate your writing workflow by instantly expanding or improving written words.

Pricing plans

Monthly plan: $59 per month (give access to 1,5000 credits)

Unlimited: $399 (for three members)


Writing copy is time-consuming and difficult. Headlime's artificial intelligence can take your thoughts and turn them into words, saving you tons of time so you can focus on what matters: your business!


Like other writing software tools, Writesonic can also create ai novels, particularly in writing blog posts and other creative writing projects.

It helps generate ideas and text based on descriptions and paragraphs. Writesonic ai software has a neat interface that guides you step by step on how to write novels.

Key features

  • Writesonic has a plagiarism checker, content generator, paraphraser, and rewriter and fixes grammatical errors using advanced artificial intelligence deep learning.
  • Writesonic offers affordable pricing for ai writer packages.

Pricing plans

Free trial: Try the Writesonic starter plan for free! (6, 250 words)

Short form: $10 per month (30,000 words)

Long-form: $13 per month


Create SEO-optimized and plagiarism-free content for your blogs, ads, emails, and website 10X faster.



If you want something free, non-generic, and straightforward writing, check out Sassbook.

Enter keywords and prompts, and Sassbook will deliver some data for you. Train the Sassbook ai to copy your writing style by simply giving high or low ratings to each writing software tool when you use it.

Key features

It quickly generates your own innovative story based on your input to create well-written fiction that grabs everyone’s attention.

The Sassbook ai writing tool is easy, even for those beginner writers. The ai software can write novels the way you like them.

AI Story Generator speeds up novel writing and helps generate explicit and original story content that inspires new AI-enhanced ideas.

Pricing plans

Sassbook.com pricing

Free plan: No need to pay (AI writer’s basic features)

Standard plan: $15 per month (unlimited words and unlimited access to summary generator)

Premium plan: $25 per month (complete control in managing bulky content for personal and corporate use cases that require full performance)

Apitracker.io (Textspark)


The tool is designed for integration so writers can insert their personalities using the novel writing software. It can be used for all types of content, such as blog posts or emails on social media platforms, but it is also advantageous for authors to create books.

Textspark’s ai writer primarily helps incorporate your voice into an ai novel. It’s like having an assistant who can swiftly generate ideas and pair them with the appropriate words.

Key Features

  • Have fun playing with accessible text spark novel writing software to help you set aside writer’s block and fill Microsoft word with magical scenarios.
  • Textsparks ai writing software is clean, aesthetically pleasing, and free from distractions.

Pricing plans

Premium tier: $9.99 per month (5,000 words)

Professional tier: $14.99 per month (10,000 words)

Unlimited: $24.99 per month (unlimited words)

Why does a writer need ai novel writing software?

Authors often work by themselves to focus, and novel writing software can provide an ai system for distance collaboration with co-writers and editors who delivers feedback and suggestions about their output.

The novel writing software also provides tools for handling research material related to the author’s storyline and characters, making it easy to gather resources and inspiration without exerting too much effort.

The novel writing software gives authors access to various editable templates for creating story briefs, character bios, timelines, summaries, and more to keep stories organized as they write.

Is it worth it to buy ai novel writing software?

AI novel writing software is a worthy investment because it is proven to speed up writing workflow. It helps organize ideas and storylines more effectively and quickly puts stories on a website.

Instead of consuming a lot of time to conceptualize and build content or keep track of characters and plot elements, use ai software tools to manage all of it.

Most writing software provides tools like proofreaders, grammar, and plagiarism checkers to refine ai-generated content over time.


As you have read, there are several ways to improve novel writing with ai writing software. Whether you need help making a list and selecting ideas, developing the characters’ profiles, or creating story plots, this software will save you time and energy.

Plus, it’s accessible, convenient, and easy to use. Why not try it? Drop your comment in the box below.


How does ai writing software help in writing?

AI writing software tools help improve your article’s grammar, spelling, and style. It also provides feedback on the quality of your article to help you correct errors.

What is the best equipment to write a novel on?

If you’re writing a novel, it’s more advisable to use a laptop or computer device. It will give you a better experience in editing and jumping from files to websites. Using devices with high-grade processors helps you avoid screen freezing or lagging.

Why do you need ai novel writing software?

AI novel tools help gather relevant data, create content outlines and story characters, edit manuscripts, and assist with publication. The more features an ai writing tool has, the more it will help you generate quality content.

How many words should a novel have?

According to the universal novel format, a novel should have at least 70,000 to 100,000 words to be more acceptable to publishing companies.

Are ai novel writer good?

Needless to say, ai writing software is an excellent option for anyone looking to save money and time or make life easier. It is a great tool for easing your writing workload, but it can’t be thoroughly excellent.

Is there a novel generated by artificial intelligence?

The novel “1 Road” is one of the experimental novels written by artificial intelligence, released in 2017. Ross Goodwin produced it.

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