
Best 3D Printing Tools and Accessories: Pros and Cons

Best 3D Printing Tools and Accessories That You Should Have
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Starting out in 3D printing is like setting off on a big adventure — it’s full of excitement but also comes with a bit of a learning curve. You’ll find a bunch of tools and accessories that promise to make your printing smoother, your finishes cleaner, and your life easier.

But, with so many options, it can get pretty overwhelming. Do you really need that high-tech spatula? Will a digital caliper make a huge difference? It’s all about figuring out which tools will be your best friends and which ones might not be worth the fuss.

Let’s break it down together, exploring the good and the not-so-good sides of the most popular 3D printing gadgets out there, to help you build your perfect toolkit without the headache.

1. 3D Printing Filament Dryer

Moisture can significantly impact the quality of your 3D prints. A filament dryer helps in keeping your filaments dry, reducing the risk of failed prints due to moisture-laden filament. This is particularly important for materials that are highly hygroscopic, such as Nylon and PVA.

2. Bed Adhesion Solutions

To prevent warping and ensure the first layer sticks well to the build plate, bed adhesion solutions like glue sticks, hairspray, or dedicated 3D printing adhesives can be crucial, especially when printing with materials prone to warping.

3. Digital Caliper

Precision is key in 3D printing, and a digital caliper is an essential tool for measuring the dimensions of your prints with high accuracy. It can be used to measure the thickness, diameter, and depth of parts, ensuring that your prints match the desired dimensions perfectly.

4. Flexible Build Plates

These are designed to make print removal easier. After printing, you can remove the flexible plate from the build platform and bend it to pop off the prints without needing tools or excessive force.

5. Filtration Systems

For those concerned about ultrafine particles (UFPs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted during printing, especially with materials like ABS, a filtration system or an air purifier can help improve air quality in your printing area.