The list of criteria and focus questions that follow may be helpful when reading the text and putting together the critical review. Keep in mind to review your assignment guidelines for more detailed standards and focus questions that should serve as the foundation of your review. The number of criteria for evaluating the text-to-image generator you will address in your critique will depend on how long the review or assignment is.
-What new knowledge does this text add to the field? This could relate to theory, data, or a real-world application.
Some possible inquiries for this standard are:
-What methodology was applied to the research? For instance, comparative, case study, qualitative or quantitative research, analysis or review of theory or current practice, etc.
-How neutral or biased is the method?
-Are the findings credible and valid?
-What analytical framework is applied to the outcomes discussion?
3) Argument and use of evidence Some possible queries for this standard are:
-Is there an obvious issue, claim, or hypothesis?
-Which assertions are made?
-Is the thesis coherent?
-What types of evidence are used in the text?
-How trustworthy and valid is the evidence?
-How persuasively does the evidence back up the claim?
-What inferences are made?
-Do these conclusions make sense?
4) Writing style and text structure Some possible inquiries for this standard are:
-Does the writing style appeal to the target reader? For instance, academic/non-academic, expert/non-expert, etc.
-What serves as the text’s organizing principle? Could the organization be improved?
5) BLEU: Bilingual Evaluation Understudy Score The most widely used evaluation metrics for contrasting models in the NLG domain are BLEU and Rouge. These metrics will always be reported in every NLG paper using common datasets. The n-gram overlap of the reference and generated texts from a text-to-image tool is calculated using the precision-focused metric known as BLEU.
This n-gram overlap indicates that, aside from the term associations of n-grams, the evaluation scheme is independent of word position. One thing to remember about BLEU is that when the generated text using a text-to-image tool is too short compared to the target text, a penalty is applied.
6) Rouge: Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation Another commonly reported metric is rouge, as was already mentioned. Reporting Rouge along with BLEU ratings for common tasks is a relatively common practice. The only difference between Rouge and the BLEU definition is that Rouge is recall oriented while BLEU is precision-focused.
Another commonly reported metric is rouge, as was already mentioned. Reporting Rouge along with BLEU ratings for common tasks is a relatively common practice. The only difference between Rouge and the BLEU definition is that Rouge is recall-oriented while BLEU is precision-focused.
Rouge comes in three different varieties. N-rouge, the most prevalent rouge type, refers to n-gram overlap. eg. For 2-grams and 1-gram, respectively, use a 2-rouge and a 1-rouge. The second is l-rouge, which instead of looking for n-gram overlap, looks for the Longest Common Subsequence. S-rouge, which focuses on skip grams, is the third. Most ML libraries have standard implementations of these; n-rouge is the most widely used. The n-rouge source code is provided below.
7) Perplexity Perplexity, a popular metric for assessing the effectiveness of generative models, is used as a gauge of the likelihood that a sentence will be generated by a model of a text-to-image tool that has been trained on a dataset. The ability of a probability distribution to forecast or assign probabilities to a sample is referred to in information theory as perplexity. The better the model, the lower the perplexity value. On the basis of sentence length, complexity is normalized.
In order to select the language model with the lowest value for this metric, we will ultimately check perplexity values on the test set. This means that you should pick the probability model that gives the test set phrases a high likelihood of being true.
In the worst case scenario, where the model is completely illiterate, perplexity equals |v|, or the vocabulary size.
8) METEOR: Metric for Evaluation of Translation with Explicit Ordering Uncommon metric METEOR analyzes word alignments. It calculates word mapping from reference texts and generated text-to-images that is one to one.
It typically makes use of Porter stemmer or WordNet. Finally, it uses these mappings to calculate an F-score. Since the popularity of deep learning models has increased, meteor is a metric in NLG that is used much less frequently.
9) TER: Translation Edit Rate The basis of TER’s operation is the conversion of generated text to target text. Counting the number of operations necessary to change one string into another calculates the absolute difference between the strings. It is very similar to the Edit Distance algorithm.
10) Generative Adversarial Networks for AI Image generator The original GAN suggested it is made up of two neural networks: a text-to-image generator network G(z) with noise z Pz sampled from a previous noise distribution, and a discriminator network D(x), where x data are real data and x pg are created images, respectively.
The training is designed as a two-player game in which the discriminator is trained to discriminate between created and actual images while the generator is trained to take advantage of the real data distribution and create images that deceive the discriminator.
The cGAN objective function was enhanced in a variety of ways to enhance conditional GAN training. For instance, the inventors of AC-GAN proposed that the discriminator be given an additional classification loss, as LC.
11) Attention Mechanisms of AI-Generated Text-To-Images Using attention strategies, the network can concentrate on particular components of input by giving significant components a higher weight than irrelevant ones. The development of language and vision applications has greatly benefited from the use of attention [50, 51, 52, 53]. The multi-stage refining pipeline in AttnGAN [35] involves attention and builds on StackGAN++ [40]. In addition to the overall sentence vector, the attention mechanism enables the network to synthesize fine-grained features depending on pertinent words.
12) Adapting Unconditional Models of Text-To-Image Generation Numerous research proposed to modify the design of these unconditional models for conditional T2I production, building on advancements in unconditional capacity in generating text-to-images. The creators of textStyleGAN expanded StyleGAN, a T2I model that can produce graphics at a higher resolution and supports semantic manipulation. A pre-trained image-text matching network and text-to-image generator , similar to the one used in AttnGAN, was suggested by the authors to compute text and word embeddings. They also suggested concatenating the sentence embedding with the noise vector before conducting a linear mapping to create an intermediate latent space of ai generated image.
Additionally, they make use of the text-to-image generator’s word and image elements for attentional guidance. Cross-modal projection matching, in addition to unconditional and conditional losses in the discriminator (CMPM) and losses, is employed to match input captions with produced images in cross-modal projection classification (CMPC) systems. Finding the directions in the intermediate latent space that correlate to semantic qualities like “age” and “smile” for face photographs can be the first step towards manipulating an image. Given that StyleGAN’s intermediate latent space